Deze functionaliteit is niet beschikbaar op het huidige schermformaat.
Maak gebruik van een laptop of desktop computer om deze functionaliteit te gebruiken.
Minimum 8 characters
A password should contain at least 8 characters. A password over 12 characters even stronger. A 12-character password is 80 million times stronger than an 8-character password.
Numbers, uppercase letters and special characters
Use a combination of numbers, uppercase and special characters like "&,?, #,!,%".
A 'passline'
You could also choose to use a 'pass sentence' instead of a 'password'. For instance: 'millDancing1000Shoelaces'. In this case it is recommended to choose a sentence consisting of words that are unrelated to each other.
No personal information
In general, it is recommended not to include personal information (such as a name, street name, postal code, or birth date) in the password.
Edit regulary
It is recommended to use a unique password for different services, applications and websites and change the passwords at least once a year.
You have not been inactive for too long.
Specify below if you want to continue working or you will be logged out for safety reasons.